Is «Silver Water» – Colloidal Silver – for You?

When – through the great LDN support group – I finally found an MD/ND who would write me a prescription for Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), I informed him I was drinking at least a couple of quarts of Colloidal Silver water each day. The well meaning doctor admitted he was not familiar with this approach to MS but said that he was concerned with the «Heavy metal» aspect. Perhaps, I misunderstood? On what I thought was his informed advice, I quit drinking my «Silver Water.» I believe that everything happens for a reason – even if we aren’t sure what it is. My confirmation of this is found at Romans 8:28 of the Bible… «And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.» A good friend, in another state who is battling RA (R heumatoid Arthritis), e-mailed to say she had ordered me a book to go along with the detoxification program I had started. She also mentioned that she wanted to begin using Colloidal Silver. When the prescription LDN had some negative side effects on me (migraines and heart rate drop) I stopped taking it. I hadn’t resumed drinking my silver water. The Multiple Sclerosis continued to take its toll and I was now in a wheelchair. My RA friend’s e-mail reminded me that both MS and Rheumatoid Arthritis are «Autoimmune diseases,» as are many more. I contacted the owner of the company from which I had such great service when using Colloidal Silver. I explained why he had not heard from me for quite a while, told him what the doctor had said, and told him my friend would likely be in contact with him to buy a Colloidal Silver generator. The following is taken from his e-mail reply to me… «Russ, I’m sure your doctor isn’t aware of it but silver is not a heavy metal. It’s a transitional metal and does no harm to mammalian tissue. It kills virus and bacteria and some single cell fungi only. It is completely safe at any amount of ingestion. Drink it with impunity.» Was that good news or what? I have since placed easy to find links to the good company on my website and ordered some more silver electrodes from one of my own links. There is even a link for those who wish to become «Affiliates,» who could use some extra income by directing others to Colloidal Silver information and to the company I use for CS related products. Persons doing battle with MS as I am, and those contending with health conditions including: Arthritis, AIDS, HIV, Candida, Ear Infections, Herpes, Lymes Disease and many more, would be wise to look into CS. Part of what you will find, is that silver has been known to cure disease and improve health for thousands of years. Since the conventional modern medical establishment knows very little about CS, it can only be sold as a supplement. The reason? Because silver cannot be patented, drug companies cannot profit from CS. Despite over 100,000 web pages on the Internet devoted to Colloidal Silver (most of which supporting CS use), many physicians maintain that CS is risky and is not of any real value. Could such doctors’ advice have something to do with the fact that they cannot make any money off CS or healthy patients either? Especially when you consider that, before the drug companies took over the modern medical man’s education, most physicians considered CS high-tech medicine. Silver was used it to treat gonorrhea, typhoid, streph throat, pneumonia, syphilis, influenza, to kill cancer, germs and known harmful bacteria before the drug houses had a law drawn up that states: Only a drug can cure disease. After his experiments with silver (in what is now called colloidal form), Henry Crookes stated, » I know of no microbe that is not killed in laboratory experiments in six minutes.» (Crookes 1914) When penicillin and sulfa drugs became the state of the art, drug companies were well on their way to assuming their power and gaining their glory. On page 11 of his book, Colloidal Silver Today, Warren Jefferson states: «By 1970 the major pharmaceutical companies no longer produced CS and it was no longer listed in any medical treatment reference book.» The FDA has said that, «The indiscriminate use of colloidal silver solutions has resulted in cases of argyria, a permanent blue-gray discoloration of the skin and deep tissues.» In conclusion, I feel we should be discriminate as to how we use CS, where we obtain it, and not take our responsibility lightly if we make Colloidal Silver ourselves. I (for one) am just happy to be back – sipping my «Silver Water» – and smelling the roses:)

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