Symptoms of Arthritis

In a previous article, we discussed what Arthritis is and its many forms, now it is time to take a look at the symptoms of Arthritis. Arthritis shows up in various ways. Some of the first symptoms include things like knees cracking when you stand up, general pain or swelling around joints that lasts for more than two weeks, you may also notice that pain in your joints increases as you move, also you may notice increased stiffness in your joints when you wake up in the morning, and your joints may appear red and feel warm to the touch. Some other symptoms of Arthritis include fever, a sense of feeling tired all the time, even a feeling that you have the flu. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is imperative that you see your doctor or physician at once. Only a doctor can truly diagnose whether you have Arthritis, and because there are over 100 forms of Arthritis, it is also important to determine which form of Arthritis you have. The different forms of Arthritis have different symptoms as well. It is also important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, since Arthritis has no known cure, the sooner you seek treatment and begin a regimen of care, and the better your results of managing your Arthritis will be. Your treatment plan may include things such as a specific course of medicine, plenty of rest, adequate diet, and proper nutrition, losing weight if you are overweight, and in severe cases, surgery may be required. In future articles we will look at treatment options, from Acupuncture to Zinc. Is it Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis? We’ve discussed that there are over 100 forms of Arthritis. The most common forms are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout. All of these forms have different symptoms and require testing by your physician for an accurate diagnosis. Here are some of the symptoms and differences between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. Symptoms of Osteoarthritis: · Osteoarthritis Typically begins in one Joint · Osteoarthritis Typically affects only the Joints · Osteoarthritis does not affect Internal Organs · Osteoarthritis affects Cartilage · Osteoarthritis causes Stiffness in the Joints when waking in the Morning · Osteoarthritis is a Result of Wear and Tear on the body Osteoarthritis is a result of cartilage being broke down. As this takes place, the bones rub together. This typically happens in the knees, hips, hands, and spine. Unfortunately, when the pain sets in there has already been a substantial loss and damage to the cartilage. Rheumatoid Arthritis has different symptoms than Osteoarthritis. Here are the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis · Extreme Tiredness and Fatigue · Low Grade Fever · Muscle Pain and Aches · Appetite Loss · Painful and Swollen Joints · Redness and Heat at the Joint Site Typically, Rheumatoid Arthritis affects the joint of the body in a symmetrical fashion. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a systematic disease and it often affects other organs in the body, and not just joints. The symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis often appear, and then enter a state of remission. There is no proven reason as to the exact cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis, however it has been suspected that bacteria, fungi, and infections may cause it. There has also been evidence that Rheumatoid Arthritis is a hereditary condition. It is also believed that certain triggers, such as poor nutrition, stress, and infection can bring on Rheumatoid Arthritis. · Stay tuned for our next article, “Osteoarthritis: Cause and Treatments”.

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