Recognizing Stroke

Stroke occurs when a blot clot occurs in an already narrowed blood vessel in the brain. Once that clot occurs the brain will be deprived of blood and the neccesary oxygen causing perment brain damage to that area. People may have «mini strokes» in which they suffer from the same signs and symptoms but are only temporary. It is important to inform the casualty that they should go see a doctor as soon as possible because they are at a very high risk of suffering from a full stroke in which they will suffer permanent brain damage. Here are a few signs and symptoms of a stroke. Paralysis on one side of the body or face, slurred speech (due to partial facial paralysis), dizziness, confusion, unequal sized pupils or changes in levels of conciousness. Here are a few questions you can ask the casualty that you are expecting to have had a stroke. 1. Ask them to smile. If they cannot smile fully it may be because they have a partial face paralysis. 2. Ask them questions that they need to respond to. If they are incoherent or slur their speech they may have partial paralysis to the face or they are confused. 3. Ask them to raise both arms. If they cannot raise both arms they may have paralysis to one side of their body. This will help you identify facial weakness, arm weakness and speech problems. The quicker you recognize the signs of stroke the faster you can get them to the hospital and reduce the chances of getting permenant brain damage.


Disease Of The Rich – Gout

This is the ‘kings’ disease’ as it affects the affluent. It is a type of arthritis that affects the toe, knee and other joints. Your kidneys lose their ability to flush out the excess amounts of uric acid, partially. This uric acid crystallizes and lodges in the joints, thus causing joint pain. This joint gets hot, swollen and tender. This pain usually starts in the middle of the night and can last for hours and days at a stretch. But it can vanish quite quickly. The following are some of the simple home remedies that you can take to prevent the gout infection: • Lose weight slowly: People suffering from gout are usually overweight with their body weight about 10 to 15 percent overweight. More your girth, higher your uric acid level. The higher incidence of the uric acid leads to frequent and intense gout attacks. But take care that you should lose weight slowly as crash diet leads to increase in uric acid levels. • Control the blood pressure: Gout patients who also suffer from hypertension need to be extra careful. This is because the blood pressure medications raise the levels of uric acid. Hence it is advisable to control the blood pressure naturally by lowering the intake of the sodium, exercising regularly, reducing the excess weight and eliminating stress. • Skip liver: Certain foods contain purine that raise uric acid levels. Though it is found in most foods, it is advisable to skip certain foods like red meat especially organ meats, liver, certain types of fish and some green leafy vegetables like spinach. • Stop the drink: If you are suffering from gout, avoid alcohol. This is because alcohol stimulates the production of uric acid. Beer is the main culprit as it has higher purine content than the other wines or spirits. • Go heavy on water: Drinking lots of water will help kidneys flush out the excess uric acid. Dehydration is also known to trigger gout attack. You can increase the urinary output by drinking at least five glasses of water a day. • Improve your sex life: It has been found that if you are a man, having frequent sexual activity reduces the levels of uric acid. • Take care of your feet: If you increase your big toe, you run the risk of gout attack. Wear shoes around the house and protect the feet from the daily accidents.

Rubella of many names

Rubella has many names: Roseola, German measles, three-day measles to name a few. Rubella is often mild which means that in several cases initial attacks will go unnoticed. This initially is not a bad thing; Although it does make the virus very hard to properly diagnose. In most cases the Rubella virus will enter in the human body through the nose or throat. Rubella can last between one and five days. It has been proven through studies that children can cover from the virus more quickly than adults as their immune system is more active, or just more simpy in better shape. Common to most viruses that live in the respiratory tract, Rubella is passed from person to person by tiny droplets in the air. These are droplets that are breathed out during normal respiration. It is important to note that the Rubella virus can also be transferred from mother to developing baby in the bloodstream by way of the placenta. Generally the incubation period for Rubella is two to three weeks. That is how long it takes to establish itself. Above I said that another name for Rubella is the German measles. That’s funny because the name «German Measles» actually has nothing to do with the coutnry of Germany. Instead it comes from the latin, which means ’similar’; This is because rubella and measles share common symptoms.Symptoms of rubella include:– Swollen glands or lymph nodes – Joint pain and swelling – Inflammation of the eyes – Flaking (caused by dry skin – Nasal congestion – Pain in the testicles – Loss of appetite – Fever – Headache – Rash

The Causes Of Epilepsy

Commonly known as a seizure disorder, epilepsy is a chronic neurological condition which causes seizures to arise often, and unprovoked. The word «Epilepsy» is named by the Greek. It means to «take hold of» or «to seize». Surgical methods are sometimes used to treat this condition, but medication is the general and more common method. Not every cause of epilepsy is known to humans, but many probable factors have been identified. These factors include brian damage, head trauma, high fever, bacterial encephalitis, intoxication, acute disturbances of metabolism, brain tumor, and other penetrating wounds to the head. The largest cause of epilepsy, however, is hereditary or genetic. Any person can endure an epileptic seizure under certian circumstances. The seizures can be provoked by drug overdoses, or in some cases even acute illness. The condition epilepsy, however, does not apply to these people. Epilepsy is defined by recurring, unprovoked seizures, although there is controversy over symptoms required to be diagnosed with the disease. Only 1 percent of the worlds population suffers from epilepsy according to its criteria, however, it is estimated that there is a slightly higher percentage of actual conditions. Most of this percentage is found in persons under the age of 19, or over the age of 65. The diagnosis criteria for epileptics is widely controversial in the field of medicine. Partial – complex seizures can arguably be considered epileptic, which is why the controversy continues.

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