ADD is often accompanied by a coexisting condition. On the other hand, often ADD and these other conditions have similar symptoms and, therefore, are easily misdiagnosed. Of course, this creates a plethora of problems as these disorders, when separate, must be treated differently. A misdiagnosis will lead to ineffective treatment. As coexisting conditions, these are especially of concern, because they increase the severity of many of the symptoms of ADD, as well as the negative impact on those that suffer them. One such condition is Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder. Children with this disorder tend to be very aggressive and defiant. They usually lose their tempers very easily and challenge authority figures. This is the most easily diagnosable behaviors, as teachers and parents become aware of this conduct quickly and seek treatment almost immediately. This particular disorder is common in children that are the hyperactive/impulsive type of ADD and occurs in 35% of children with ADD. This coexisting condition makes it much more likely that these sufferers will get in legal trouble as they age due to their authoritative defiance. Many children that have ADD also suffer from mood disorders and/or depression. The complication associated with this coexisting condition is the increased likelihood of suicide common during teen years. 18% of ADD children also suffer from some type of mood disorder, and is it more likely to occur within the inattentive type of ADD. This is often not as easily diagnosed as compared to other conditions. Children with mood disorders as a coexisting condition must be treated with different medication than typical ADD treatment; therefore, such therapy may be more difficult. Also a concern is anxiety disorders among ADD sufferers, which constitutes roughly 25% of those with ADD. Traits common of Anxiety Disorders are fear, panic, and worry, which may necessitate medication and/or counseling. As with mood disorders, combined treatment make therapy more complex and arduous. Learning Disabilities are also conditions common with children that have ADD. While ADD, in itself, is not a learning disability, it can make it extremely difficult for children to perform well in school. If coupled with a learning disability, it makes it considerably more challenging for children to grasp academic concepts and utilize such knowledge. For the most part, coexisting conditions make treatment more difficult and the side effects of both disorders more severe. The typical signs and symptoms of ADD are difficult enough to deal with, but with more intense severity, it often makes side effects deadly or incredibly negatively life altering.
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Lymphoma, better known as Hodgkin’s Disease, is a condition characterized by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells. In addition to Hodgkin’s, there are many other lymphoma diseases which are known as Non-Hodkin’s lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma incidences become more and more common with age, whereas Hodkin’s lymphoma is common between ages 16 and 35, and over 50. The most common sign of Hodgkin’s lymphoma is swollon lymph nodes, mainly in the neck. This is not painful, however some of the other expected symptoms are. These other symptoms are unexplained weight loss, constant fatigue, itchy skin, low grade fevers, and night sweats. As these are common symptoms of any infection, the only accurate diagnosis is through lymph node biopsy and blood testing. Unlike Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a type of cancer. In the united states, 5% of cancer victims are due to Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Signs of this disease are similar to that of Hodgkin’s, with a few differences. As well as in the neck, swollon lymph nodes are common in the underarm and groin. And in addition to itchy skin, patients will notice unexplained red patches. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma must be tested for as well, using things such as X-rays, MRI’s, CT scans, PET scans, and Lymphangiogram, which are pictures of the lymphatic system taken with x-rays after a dye is injected to differentiate the lymph nodes and vessels. These tests are due to the simple fact that the symptoms are common in many other, less critical, conditions.
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With bird flu being on every television station and newspaper, it is easy to get caught up in the panic surrounding this new viral outbreak. However, do you find yourself wondering if this should really be a concern? Do you remember when everyone was becoming hysterical over the likelihood of killer bees sweeping the United States? I do not know about you, but I have yet to be chased down by an African Honey Bee. So, what are your real chances of catching bird flu? To answer the question as asked: it is not very likely for you to catch bird flu right now. Of course, they key to this statement is “right now”. Currently, an outbreak of bird flu is occurring in Asia. Over 100 people have contracted the virus and over half have died. Also, as of yet, the virus can only be transmitted to humans from infected birds. Therefore, when a person becomes infected, they can not pass the virus on to others. However, change may be on the horizon. Many experts believe, within time, the bird flu virus will mutate and be able to be passed from human to human. This is actually a likely occurrence, as influenza strands are known for their adaptability. With every human the virus infects, it becomes more likely to transform. When this happens, the numbers affected by bird flu will increase exponentially. Even with limited means of being transmitted, avian influenza, or bird flu, has spread across Asia rapidly. Imagine how quickly it will affect the various parts of the world, once it is carried by humans over oceans, in planes and on boats. Densely populated areas will see the worst part of the virus, as close human contact is a breeding ground for disease. Interestingly enough, this is not the first time an influenza virus threatened massive death. In 1918, the Spanish Flu killed 50 to 100 million people; in 1957, the Asian Flu killed 1 to 1.5 million; and in 1969, the Hong Kong Flu killed roughly 1 million people. Considering this seems to happen every few years, is it that far fetched it could be on its way again? Is history repeating itself? The answer can only be answered in time. If the virus does not mutate, everyone could all worked up over nothing. However, if it does and a pandemic occurs as expected, up to 30% of the world’s population could be infected.
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Rabies here. Have you ever wondered what i am really all about? Most people just think that i make dogs become angry and foam from the mouth. Well that hardly does my name justice! Try this on for size; I am a viral disease which causes minor encephalitis, and can effect animals AND humans. How’s that! Granted, I tend to stick with warm blooded carnivors as my prey, but don’t think I can only get at dogs! Any animal on the planet is susceptible to my infection. My greatest power is not well known among the human population. I am uncureable! «Till death do us part» as they say. Once i have found my way into a humans system, I almost invariably kill. The only thing you can do to stop me is prevent me. Vaccination is my worst enemy. If I am caught in time, vaccinations will sometimes lead to my demise instead of yours, but don’t count on it. I only generally jump from one host to the next through biting. «Why don’t we stop biting each other?» you ask? Because you can’t! I can make you crazy. I ensure my generation to continue by causing you to be a vicious animal. Now that I think about it, I am downright cruel! But now that I have scared you, I must come clean. Humans are not my favorite friends. It’s hard to make you crazy. For the most part, if you are bitten by a rabid animal, you will die unless treated quickly, and that is where it stops. Occasionally I hop to another person through kisses, but for the most part, I tend to stay out of your way. But none the less, be careful!
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